Маркетинг под
тепетата Group

Маркетинг под тепетата (or in English – Marketing under the hills) is a Facebook group created by creative agency Social Freaks at the end of 2016. The group’s purpose is to unite all specialists and enthusiasts in the marketing field in Plovdiv and the region. Our work in Plovdiv and our meeting with dozens of managers and specialists of the “Marketing and Sales” departments of various B2B & B2C companies introduced us to the need for a quality training product from practitioners for Plovdiv and the region.
You can follow the group here.
Маркетинг под
тепетата Academy
Маркетинг под тепетата Academy (or in English – Marketing Under the Hills Academy) aims to organize periodic events in the city under the hills, presenting various topics and guest speakers with international professional experience in the strategic planning, marketing, and advertising field. The events are held in the form of lectures and practical panels. There is a limit of 40 participants, which guarantees the possibility of personal interaction with the trainers and the successful workshops running.